MicroStar - Social Media

MicroStar was founded over two decades ago with one simple idea:

How can we help the world’s best brewers do what they do best?

Over that time, and by staying focused on brewers’ needs, MicroStar has become the leading keg solutions provider to the industry.


Our strategy was based on a simple objective to bring the brand to life on social media.

MicroStar had very limited output and direction on social media, and we had to polish the brand’s USPs and bring them into the new media world.

 Sometimes, instead of trying everything, it’s best to take small incremental steps and grow the brand organically.

Our communication strategy focused on 3 key messages:


Release content of what several best-in-class breweries and partners think of the craft beer industry. With quality, community and sustainability as its foundation.


With the demand for quality craft beer growing, brewers rely on MicroStar to take the worry out of keg logistics to focus on brewing and selling world-class beer. Breweries like Avery, Oskar Blues, Stone, and Dark Horse use Microstar to keep up with growing demand.


Highlight why craft brewers such as Oskar Blues, Stone, Avery and Maine Beer are determined not to cut corners and are committed to doing things correctly. They want consumers to experience their beer the way they intended, and it all starts with a laser focus on quality.


We channelled our creative production into high-quality animations that keep the viewer engaged for longer.

Check out some of our work:


Engagement rate of 8% to the previous 3%.

The energy in craft beer is unbelievable and is only going to continue to grow in the U.S. and abroad.

We look forward to fueling this grow.

Hungry for more? Find out how we launched the newly formed Steel Keg Association here.


Kegstar - Social Media