Supermalt - Social Media

Supermalt is the leading non-alcoholic Afro-Caribbean malt drink in the UK. It’s an alcohol and caffeine-free drink suitable for all ages.

Every activation, campaign and project has had social media firmly at the heart of the brand’s communications.

Unlike many strategies implemented by brands where social media is a regurgitation to anyone and every one, our approach was designed to deliver the diverse work that Supermalt does to specific segments through social advertising targeting so our audiences are served with the right content to fuel their passion for the brand. The intricacy of our approach was to slow-release wider-ranging content to ease the audience groups with cross-over content that they may be interested in and further get them involved.

The segments were split into five content pillars:

Brand & Product

Brand DNA, History, Taste, Flavour & Nutrition

Brand DNA, History, Taste, Flavour & Nutrition

Urban Creativity


Fashion, Arts & Music



Traditions, Heritage & Modern Life



Food pairings served with Supermalt



Cricket, Basketball & Athletics


Our work with the brand has been growing monthly, year by year. With an average engagement rate of 8.8% and a rise in fan/following by 48k.

Within our social media content, one of the campaigns we brought to life was our partnership with Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), at the home of English Cricket – Lord’s Cricket Ground. Find out more here.


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